What is DTB Meaning and How Do You Use It?

The internet is growing every day, and there are a few online terms that you should know if you want to improve your conversation skills. You might have seen Facebook posts on DTB and Instagram reels and wondered what that means. Well, we will decode it right away in this digital copy.

DTB Meaning

DTB stands for don’t text back. Now this might sound harsh to some people but there are times when you would find it necessary. For instance, let’s say that you want your opinion to be heard and respected without the other person talking back and then you could type in a message known as :

DTB Meaning

“Hear me out first, DTB.” Alternatively, you might be running an important meeting and do not want to get disturbed in messages, so you can say, “Working on an important project right now, DTB.” This will tell your partner, friend, or colleague on the other side that you do not want to be disturbed.

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Is DTB’s New Term in 2024

No DTB has been used since 2018, and people who are native English speakers use it all the time in their messages, and they have been doing it for decades. Other non-native countries might hear the term today, and it might shock you, but this term has been around for ages.

What Made DTB Popular

Initially, the term appeared on TikTok, and it had a different meaning. DTB on TickTok meant don’t trust boys. Similarly, the men started a trend known as DTB, which meant don’t trust bitc” es. Besides this gender war, the actual term remains the same, which is known as don’t text back.

End Note

So whenever you get DTB in text it means dont text back and there is no other meaning behind it. Now if you see gender war happening and you see the DTB that means don’t trust boys or don’t trust bit” es”

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